A limited number of student travel bursaries will be made available to Australian or New Zealand based postgraduate students who are the primary author and presenter of a paper at the AWES Workshop. For further details please contact or check back here regularly.

*If you do not receive your event registration ticket via email, or accidentally delete it, you can view or download it by clicking on the button below.

Registration for AWES20 is now open. Registration fees are $50AUD for students, $100AUD for AWES Members and $200AUD for non-members. Registration will entitle you to access the two-day online workshop and access to all the submitted papers. 

Participants can register all the way up to the day before the workshop (Wednesday, 7 April), but to help with planning and to make sure we get the workshop access link to everyone, we encourage you to register as soon as possible. 

Workshop registration is through Eventbrite and can be purchased by clicking on the button below. If you experience any issues while registering, or have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact